4 Reasons to Switch Out Metal Crowns for Metal-Free Ones
March 14, 2024

Out with the old and in with the new—the saying goes. In some situations, this expression rings true. The old object needs to be replaced with a newer, more innovative, and more effective version. A prime example of this in dentistry is dental crown materials. For years, metal crowns were the standard, and they had their perks, including durability.
But times have changed, and metal crowns should be replaced with metal-free ones. Why? Here are just four reasons to consider!
Metal Crowns Draw Unwanted Attention.
Have you ever talked to someone who has a piece of food stuck in between teeth or some lipstick on their teeth? As much as you try to ignore it, it can distract you from what they’re saying. The same can go for metal crowns.
As you talk, laugh, or smile around others, you don’t want them to be thinking only about the obviously metallic tooth in your mouth, and with non-metal ones they will only see your perfectly uniform set of teeth.
Metal Crowns Look Old.
In the past, metal crowns were the main option for protecting a natural tooth in need of repair. Nowadays, with only a few exceptions, most dental crowns are made of more aesthetically pleasing and safer materials. If you still have a metal crown, it dates you—just as having a certain haircut or clothing style can age you.
Metal Crowns Could Interfere with MRIs.
If you are in a situation where you need to have an MRI taken of your head, you definitely want the image to be accurate and clear for a concrete diagnosis! However, the particular metals in older crowns can negatively affect the MRI, causing fuzziness in the image.
To put any worries to rest, the titanium in dental implants do not impact the MRI process and, therefore, do not distort the image. Likewise, metal-free crowns allow you to have clearer imaging.
Metal Crowns Can Result in Tooth Sensitivity.
It’s simple science. Metal conducts temperature much more easily than porcelain and other materials used for non-metal crowns. This means that if you have ice cream, your metal crown can drop in temperature, triggering a sensitive response. On the other hand, a crown without metal can better protect your teeth from this unpleasant sensation.
Even if you feel your metal crowns are still in good condition, it may be time to replace them with the newer, better, non-metal version. Then, you can more fully enjoy your restored smile and appreciate your natural-looking teeth.
About the Practice
In West Seneca, our dental team at Applegate Dental knows that patients are concerned about aesthetics as well as function, which is why we offer metal-free restorations and used cutting-edge technology. We are proud to use digital impressions instead of putty, making the process of getting a crown that much more pleasant and smooth. If you would like to meet with us and get new crowns, call us at 716-712-5301 or contact our office online here.
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