4 Reasons Your Dentist May Recommend Extraction of a Baby Tooth
December 11, 2024

Losing baby teeth—it’s a rite of passage for kids that can be both sad and exciting for parents. From the first time your dentist has seen your child, they told you not to force these teeth out until they are ready to wiggle out naturally. As a result, it may take you aback or confuse you when your dentist says later on your child has a baby tooth that should be extracted.
As contradictory as they may seem, these two bits of advice can be perfectly sound at the same time. By and large, these first teeth can and should be allowed to come out naturally. Under certain circumstances, however, extraction of a baby tooth may be in order. What are those circumstances? Keep reading to find out!
The Baby Tooth Is Badly Decayed or Damaged.
Just like adult teeth, primary ones can become infected with cavity-causing bacteria. Although catching the cavity early and restoring the tooth with a filling is definitely preferred, decay may develop quickly, especially if your little one eats or drinks sugar throughout the day or doesn’t practice healthy hygiene habits every day. If the decaying baby tooth isn’t removed, the infection could spread to the budding permanent tooth underneath.
However, if you try to teach healthy habits at home and limit the frequency of their sugar consumption, you should be able to avoid truly destructive decay with regular dental checkups and cleanings.
In addition to cavities, your child’s teeth may come to harm from falls or accidents at the playground. Being much smaller with shallower roots, primary dentition tends to be more fragile and may need to come out after an injury.
The Permanent Tooth Has Already Started to Erupt.
The exact timing of losing baby teeth isn’t the same for every child. In some cases, however, the baby tooth can overstay its welcome and interfere with the permanent tooth’s eruption. In fact, some kids can appear to have two layers of teeth, sometimes called shark teeth. In this situation, the baby tooth may require extraction to allow for these lifelong teeth to come in straighter.
Your Child’s Mouth Needs More Space for Orthodontic Treatment.
If your little one is like many these days, their teeth probably won’t line up perfectly on their own. Not all, but some kids can require braces or other orthodontic treatment while they still have baby teeth; however, shifting teeth around necessitates enough space. In other words, if your child’s mouth is full of baby teeth, one or two may need to be extracted to enable essential changes in alignment.
Your Child Has a Rare Oral Condition.
Although uncommon, children could contract oral conditions like advanced gum disease or develop too many baby teeth. In these scenarios, extraction may become important to save their entire smile.
Although the general rule of letting baby teeth come out when they’re ready still stands, you should be aware that primary extraction does happen and may become a necessity for your little one.
About the Practice
Applegate Dental is a family practice that helps patients of all ages in West Seneca, NY. Our team of qualified, highly trained dentists and professionals welcome basically all kinds of dental insurance and can take advantage of your policy to your benefit. If your child needs to have a dental checkup, or if you have questions about their dental health, don’t hesitate to call our office at 716-668-4646 or reach out to us online.
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