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Are Procedures in Cosmetic Dentistry Safe?

September 19, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — applegate @ 4:55 pm
nervous patient worried about whether cosmetic dentistry is safe

You are not necessarily a “Nervous Nelly” to be concerned about safety. While some are content to take risks, you tend to stick with what’s known and comfortable. But, then again, you have wanted to make visual improvements to your smile for a while now.

You don’t want to do anything too drastic, but you may be wondering whether cosmetic dentistry is safe for you. Keep reading to learn why you shouldn’t let your safety concerns bother you and how your dentist can be a powerful ally in this situation.


Single Arch Invisalign Treatment: A Viable Solution for Minor Misalignment

August 16, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — applegate @ 8:17 pm
patient holding one aligner for single arch Invisalign treatment

Overall, you like your smile, but there’s a little something off. You debate whether you should get Invisalign treatment when you really only need to make small adjustments to your top teeth. You don’t need major changes to your bite, but is this treatment still worth considering in your case?

Well, did you know that it’s possible to treat only your top teeth (or bottom teeth) with just one aligner in your mouth at a time? This is called single arch Invisalign treatment. Although your dentist will ultimately determine if addressing just one arch is the right course of action for your smile, here is some information to know about this unique approach.


Are You Ready? 3 Ways to Prepare for Invisalign

July 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — applegate @ 3:28 pm
patient holding an aligner after preparing for Invisalign

You’ve thought long and hard about this decision—you really want to straighten your teeth with Invisalign. You know you have to work with a dentist, but what should happen before you start the process? How can you best get ready for treatment? Read on to learn three ways you can prepare for Invisalign and have a successful treatment.


3 Simple Tips for Transitioning to Implant Dentures

April 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — applegate @ 6:33 pm
man eating an apple and making the transition to implant dentures

After years of wearing dentures, you’re practically an expert. You know which foods you can and cannot chew. You know how to take care of your dentures, and you are used to the occasional slippage. So when you make the decision to replace your dentures with ones that are secured by implants, you aren’t 100 percent sure what to expect. Will it take you a while to adjust to implant dentures?

Here are some tips for making the transition to implant dentures as smooth as possible!


Easy Tips for Soothing New Aligner Discomfort

March 16, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — applegate @ 6:29 pm
patient experiencing new aligner discomfort

When you started Invisalign treatment, you loved how the aligners fit in your mouth and that you didn’t have to deal with the hassle and pain of traditional braces, but now that you’re moving on to the next set aligners in your treatment, your teeth may feel a lot less comfortable!

The minor pain you feel should subside after a few days, but what can you do about it until then? Here are some useful tips for managing the soreness you can get from new aligners.


The Truth about Implant Failure and How You Can Avoid It

February 15, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — applegate @ 5:59 pm
man thinking about implant failure in West Seneca

You just had your dental implants placed. The procedure went smoothly, and now you’re healing. Your dentist explains that you just have to wait several months before the next step in the process. During that time, you start to worry. What if it doesn’t work? What if your implant fails? Or, what if it only works for a little while? You’ve just made a serious investment, and you want to make sure it lasts! In this post, you’ll more details about implant failure in West Seneca and how to avoid it.


4 Reasons Skipping Dental Visits Won’t Save You Money

October 17, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — applegate @ 8:24 pm
jar with saved money

Over the last several months, if you’re like most families, you’ve had to look for creative ways to save money. Perhaps you’ve made more meals at home or learned to do some home repairs on your own.

During these financially challenging times, you may choose to forego any appointments or treatments that you think are unnecessary. In many cases, that idea works! But skipping dental visits is not a smart way to save in the long term, especially if you have dental insurance in West Seneca. In this post, you’ll learn about reasons that you shouldn’t avoid the dentist office right now.


Pop! How Popcorn Can Harm Your Smile

September 16, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — applegate @ 2:54 pm
people smiling and eating popcorn

At the end of a long day, you’ve finished putting the kiddos to bed, and you decide to curl up on the couch and watch your favorite movie. Of course, you pull out a bag of buttery popcorn to go with it, feeling good that you haven’t chosen another more unhealthy snack. But wait a minute! Although popcorn is a low-calorie, no-sugar food, it can be harmful for your smile. Read on to learn ways one of your preferred snacks can damage your teeth and gums and how you can keep enjoying this movie staple while keeping your smile safe with the help of your dentist in West Seneca.


Preparing for Your Dental Visit: Before and After COVID-19

May 16, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — applegate @ 7:57 pm
patient with dentist in West Seneca

It’s amazing how drastically things can change in a matter of just a few months, but that’s exactly what has happened with COVID-19. Not too long ago, you probably thought nothing about routine tasks like going to the grocery store or visiting the dentist; now, however, people are unsure about what is and is not safe to do. While there are still plenty of uncertainties, you don’t have to worry when it comes to taking care of your oral health. In this post, you’ll learn how your dentist in West Seneca is approaching your appointment and making sure you and your loved ones stay safe.


4 Tips for Keeping Up with Your Dental Hygiene through the Quarantine

March 13, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — applegate @ 7:19 pm
smile dental tools keeping up with your dental hygiene through the quarantine

For weeks now, your plans have been put on hold. You and your family, just like the rest of the world, are under lockdown and need to stay home for the time being. That means errands, entertainment, and appointments have to be postponed. But in the case of your six-month dental visit, you’ll be missing essential care and may not be able to see your dentist for a couple of months. How can you make sure you’re keeping up with your dental hygiene through the quarantine? Read on to find out!

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