Easy Tips for Soothing New Aligner Discomfort
March 16, 2022

When you started Invisalign treatment, you loved how the aligners fit in your mouth and that you didn’t have to deal with the hassle and pain of traditional braces, but now that you’re moving on to the next set aligners in your treatment, your teeth may feel a lot less comfortable!
The minor pain you feel should subside after a few days, but what can you do about it until then? Here are some useful tips for managing the soreness you can get from new aligners.
Keep the Aligners In
As tempting as it may be to take the aligners off your teeth for a bit of respite, you need to keep the Invisalign aligners in place. The soreness you feel is actually a good indicator that treatment is working! With each new set of aligners, you come one step closer to the straight smile you want. So make sure the clear, plastic trays are in for at least 20 hours every day, even when they make your mouth a little sore, knowing that you’re doing what’s best for your smile.
Take a Mild Pain Reliever
You don’t have to “be tough” and suffer with discomfort—you can take over-the-counter pain medication as directed to reduce your soreness during the hardest time. This should take the edge off and allow you to carry on with normal activities without the distraction or discomfort.
Eat Soft Foods
Although you are basically free to eat whatever you want with Invisalign, it may not be a good idea to have hard, crunchy foods while you’re transitioning to a new set of aligners. These can exacerbate the problem and make your teeth feel even worse. Instead, you may want to have a diet of softer foods, such as mashed potatoes, yogurt, scrambled eggs, oatmeal, or soup.
Put a Cold Compress on Your Face
If you would like to numb your mouth for a while, you can place a cold compress on your face. Speaking of cold things, you can eat cold foods or have cold drinks, which can help your teeth and gums feel less sore. Just be sure to take out your aligners and brush and floss your teeth before putting them back in!
Switch Aligners Before You Go to Bed
The most sensitive hours with new aligners are usually the first few after putting them in. If, however, you switch to the next set right before falling asleep, you should be able to rest through the most difficult part!
The good news is that your discomfort won’t last forever. Give it a couple of days, and you should feel just fine again. And before you know it, it’ll be time to switch to the next set, then the next, until you find yourself finished with treatment. When you see your straight smile, you’ll know that the momentary soreness was well worth it!
About the Practice
At Applegate Dental, our dentists find great satisfaction in helping patients achieve their smile goals. Although our team comes from different backgrounds, we share a passion for providing results our patients love. If you are interested in learning more about Invisalign, you can contact our West Seneca office online or by calling or texting us. We’ll be happy to answer your questions!
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