Getting Through Your First Week with Braces
May 16, 2023

New experiences can be daunting, and getting braces is no exception. At first, you may wonder how you’ll ever feel “normal” with them on and how you’ll carry on with your usual schedule. During the first week with braces, you’ll get used to the feeling of having metal brackets and wires attached to your teeth, but you’ll first have to negotiate eating, take care of your smile, and learn how to manage somewhat uncomfortable sensations to get to the other side.
Eating with Braces
Braces come with changes to your lifestyle, especially your diet. During treatment, you shouldn’t eat popcorn, certain nuts, or other foods that could possibly break a bracket, dislodge your wire, or become stuck. Some foods, like apples, can still be eaten with braces, but you need to cut them into smaller pieces first. Another example is that corn on the cob must be cut off before you can eat it. Remembering and making these adjustments will reduce the number of setbacks in your treatment plan.
Oral Care with Braces
While you have braces on your teeth, you can still get cavities. In fact, braces have many more nooks and crannies for bad bacteria to gather up and cause trouble for your smile, which means you’ll need to be extra diligent in your cleaning.
After you eat anything, you need to brush and floss your teeth as well as between your brackets and wires. Doing so will prevent food debris from staying in contact with your teeth and bacteria from accessing your enamel.
Plus, you wouldn’t want others to see food stuck in your braces when you talk or smile, right?
Managing Discomfort
Two common symptoms that patients with braces have during the first week of treatment are sore teeth and irritated lips and cheeks from the hardware. Mild soreness is bound to happen as your teeth shift within the jawbone, and it can usually be controlled with over-the-counter pain medication. As your soft tissues acclimate to the brackets and wires, irritation should subside soon. Just give it a little time!
When to Contact Your Dentist
You may run into some issues during your first week of treatment, but most of them can be handled with time, patience, and the previous tips. However, if you find yourself struggling significantly, you don’t have to suffer in silence. For instance, if your teeth actually hurt, if a wire is poking your cheeks, or if you don’t know how to properly clean your braces, you should call your dentist for additional help and advice about your concerns.
Although the first week of having braces can be rough, you’ll soon become used to them and be well on your way toward a healthier, straighter smile!
About the Practice
In West Seneca and the surrounding area, Applegate Dental PLLC offers personalized treatment for each patient. In addition to customized orthodontic care, we offer Invisalign, veneers, smile makeovers, and other advanced services. When it comes to braces, our four dentists can guide you through the treatment process, give instructions for at-home care, and answer any questions you have. To schedule an appointment, just call our office at 716-712-5301 or visit our website.
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